National Museum of China-Qi Qi(欹器)| Davinci CG

This video is a video displayed next to the teacup in the Confucius exhibition “Mountain Scenery” in the National Museum of China. The dynamic three-dimensional video shows the status of the teacup in the air, normal water level (half water level), and full water to express the normal state of people. The manifestations of three mental states: when weak, it is not righteous, when it is moderate, it is righteous, and when it is full, it results in overturning. We advocate the golden mean.
This video uses an antique environment and tones to set off the teapot, echoing the ideological realm of ancient philosophers. Among them, the calculation and effect testing of water are difficult and the most time-costly part of the project.

This video was designed and produced by Beijing DaVinci Digital Technology.


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