National Museum of China – Banquet and Acrobatics | Davinci CG

This project is a video in the National Museum of China: Banquet and Acrobatic Portrait Bricks, presented in a two-dimensional animation format.
Eastern Han Dynasty (25-AD 220)
46 cm long, 40 cm wide, 5.3 cm thick
Unearthed in Chengdu, Sichuan in 1954
Portrait bricks are architectural decorative materials embedded in the walls of tombs. In the Han Dynasty, most of the music, dance and opera performances were performed on banquet occasions. This brick painting shows the Han Dynasty custom of entertaining guests and performing tricks. There are two cylindrical bottles for holding wine, with spoons for drinking wine inside, and two rectangular food tables stenciled on the bricks. In the upper left corner, a male host is sitting on the ground, watching the dance. Next to it, a woman and two men play the flute accompaniment, while four people on the right perform, two do acrobatics, and two dance, vividly reproducing the feasting life of the tomb owner.

This video was designed and produced by Beijing DaVinci Digital Technology.


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