3D animation of real estate in Wanlin Liaohe Pearl Town, China | Davinci CG

The 3D animation of Liaohe Pearl Town is a real estate project in a northern city in China. Party A wants to achieve two purposes through this project: one is to report to the government, and the other is to advertise. The film is required to not only browse the entire project and features, but also to The project reflects the elegant and healthy life of the future owner, so we designed two butterflies in the video to fly from the house to the community, representing the main line of the hero and heroine driving home from early morning to night. The main line of viewing revolves around Party A’s requirements. Browse the route and view the community landscape. The production cycle of this project is two months, one month for script communication, and one month for video production.

This video was designed and produced by Beijing DaVinci Digital Technology.

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